It takes a village... Brothers and Sisters who have helped my on my journey
I'm going to miss including many who have helped or are currently helping me on my faith journey as everyone I've met has had an impact in some way.
Stage 1> (Foundation)
Mick and Pam Everett, Grandma and Grandpa Vreeman, Colvin Everett, Vickie Everett
Pastor Youngerman (Broken neck era.)
Stage 2> (Family/Kids)
Pastor Defreese (First Lutheran Kearney era.)
Stage 3> (New Life in Christ/Baptism)
Pastor Adrian Boykin, Pastor John Watson, Pastor Scott Stober, Pastor Brien Klein, Pastor Jordan Hinrichsen, Pastor Charles Bauer, Carrie Carpenter, Erik and Megan O'Brien
Emily and Zach Davidson, John Stritt, Susan Evans, Brad and Sharron Brandt, John Bonk, Hairol Rosa, Ken Harvey, Glen and Nancy Eply, Steve Shanno, Jake Riley, JD Stone, Joe Risk, Todd Kollers, Jamie Eshleman, Jeff Robinson, Nate Miles, Nate McClenahan, Brian Garey, Bob Bednar, Andrew Jensen, Matt Zimbelman, Rick and Pam Henderson, Daniel Farlin, Dustin Turner
Alex, Tre, Jesse, Spencer, Shane, Rich, Garret, Darrell, Trevor, Al, Rich, Jeff, Riley, Tom, Rick, Scott, Scott, Joe
Stage 4> (Mission Field - Current)
Friends and family are helping grow His Kingdom with a vision to build a retreat (Everett Acres) for rest in Jesus and other discipleship. Matthew 11:28
Prayer partners and others who are helping my mission of growing His Kingdom one step, one seed, one brick, one person at a time: Bob Bednar, Eric Bohl, Trinity eFree men's group/pastors.
And many, many others...